Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Work from Home

Working from Home is never been a new idea but it’s getting tremendous attention in the modern era. People want to work and earn but they don’t want to get out of their comfort zone. The concept of working from home arises from the above situation, here no one is asked to travel even a bit distance to visit a particular office for his/her work. With the advancement in technology, telecommunication is gaining roots at faster rates. Sharing data, live conferencing has become common among every working class. One can choose the work of his/her interest staying at home. Now a large group of people believe that work depends upon our hard work and not the place. Many big firms had adopted the method which allows them to reduce the work cost and enhance their profits.

It is the matter of fact which is clearly visible in the growing era of technology and communication that working from home is the most significant method one can adopt to pursue a comfortable hand healthy life style.

Following are the traits explaining the concept of working from home:

Saves capital : A huge amount of capital is required to provide basic necessities to the employs like cabins, computer, sanitation, etc. all of these can be expenses can be prevented when one ask the workers to work from their home. On the other hand the daily expenses of the employees are also saved which have to be spent on transport and snacks.

Increased productivity: It has observed by numerous firms that people working from home have more innovative skills as compared to the people working from offices. As the level of comfort vary from home to office thus is the quality of skill vary.

Independent environment: The people working from home have much more independent environment as compared to those working in office because they need not follow any rules, regulations or ethics related to office environment. The only requirement is promise for quality work with no limitations.

Time management: The people working from home are more moody than office workers because they select their own Working timings as per their own comfort zone. They spend more time with their family along with feeding them as compared to office workers.

The people who are less aware about the technique of working from home find the office work as the only option. Now days, as the corona pandemic is spread worldwide it is necessary for everyone to work for themselves as well as for their family to have a regular meal. It is not safe to visit office at any cost, which made the flow of working from home more famous and healthy as well. The advancement in technology as well as the governmental support is encouraging the citizens about the features which allow everyone to work from their home. Working from home is now the most used method by various firms as well as employers at global level. Most unemployed people too started working from home through the special method of freelancing. Freelancing refers to part-time or full-time jobs offered by various firms to unemployed or semi-employed people through numerous websites.

These trends lead to many social and psychological effects:

Workers being siloed from each other: When employs work from their one, they develop liking to interact only via social networking like emails and calls. This attitude of employs of working remotely is not conductive to make meaning full relationship.

Feeling of isolation among remote employees: As human being is a social animal, working in remote can prove dangerous to his health. Though working from home makes life easier at first but it can deteriorate / degrade employee mental health.

Adverse effect on working: Working remotely make employee anxious. A lack of close contact between the workers leads to loss of three important facts of working, i.e. Trust link and work co-ordination resulting in poor work after some time.
Show and tell: Instant messaging apps are convenient but trust can only build by face to face communication.

Work in excess: When personal life and work came under one roof its harder to switch them together. This can be exhausting as one don't’t get the idea about the initiation and ending of the working tasks.

Prioritizing work: People working from home must be needed to be self-motivated, experts in time management because they have nobody to overlook their work. Managing work is hard enough and also at the same time an employee has to spend time with family. So, prioritization of time and work is necessary.

Interruptions: While working from home one can avoid interruptions of office but not of family. The noise of pets, ring doorbells and kids interrupt a lot. Moreover you can’t say "I HAVE NO TIME" always as it will affect family relation. So an employ has to look after all these interruptions.
Desolation  and lack of Interaction: while workung alone at home remotely the problem of desolation arises. Being at the same place for too long makes human frustrated. People who work in office share views, interact with each other, eat together but all this has no place is working from home. Besides all these mentioned effect and traits of working from home, we can enlist some merits and demerits of explained in working point.


TIME AND MONEY SAVING : Both money and time are saved by workers working worm home they don’t follow the schedule they set and this results  in lose quality of work and time . As a result of which many people first feel happy to do work from home but latter feel depressed about it.

LACK OF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS: Many social effects can be seen or employs working from home  they take tasks and people for granted and as social being ;lack of humans in surrounding can result in stress frustration etc. if a person don't’t work properly at home.

UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLES: While working from home unhealthy habits like working while lying on couch. lack of proper light can cause several health related problems which can be ignored.

COLLABORATION SUFFERS: Although advancement in telecommunication has increased a lot yet face to face queries and facts is much easier and quicker as compared to working from home.

REPUTATION: Many workers face this loss of reputation as their work done didn't’t get much applause
Their exists both the negative as well positive factors behind every aspect in the environment similarly of work from home scenario too. But the matter of fact is this trick of working from home will be the most effective one in future as many problems may arise due to exploitation by humans to the nature. To the sense of feeling safe everyone prefer to remain at home and thus will be the best choice. The problem of pollution will force self obsessed people to remain at home to avoid health problems.

We can conclude from all the pros and cons or can be said as merits and demerits that one should pursue the step of working from home. It is best suitable choice.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Chandrayan 2 (general)

It is 2nd loonar exploration after Chandrayaan-1 by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). The mission is planned to be launched by Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III. It is made of three major parts lander, rover and orbitor.
This rocket will attempt a soft landing of a lander and rover between two craters, Manzinus C and Simpelius N at south pole of moon. The wheeled rover will move on the luner surface and perform on-site chemical analysis. Successful landing will make India 4th country to achieve soft landing on lunar surface. The launch is planned to occur on 14 july at 11pm. If successful,  Chandrayan 2 is 1st ever mission to occur at south pole of moon. This launch will take place from
Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriahrikota island. This mission costs a total of 968 crore.


The orbiter carries 5 scientific instruments and will orbit the moon at about an altitude of 100km. The orbiter high resolution camera will conduct high resolution observations of the landing site prior to separation of lander from orbiter. 


The lander is named Vikram. It will attempt an check of on-board systems before attempting a soft luner landing. 


The Rover is named Pragyan. It will work on solar power. The rover will move on 6 wheels and perform on-site chemical analysis and sending data to lander which will relay it to earth station. 

Latest update:

Launch is canceled on july 14. The rocket need some changes thus postpond. 

Friday, July 5, 2019


Mob lynching 

When a group of people kill someone for an alleged offence without a legal trial, especially by hanging.  It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate a group.

In India, Lynching generally arises due to tensions between two cultural groups. Instance of lynching and other mob voilence can be seen in every society. It can be between upper caste people to lower caste people. Incident of Kherlanji Massacre in 2006, where 4 members of dalit caste family were brutally killed by kunbi caste members Kherlanji village of Bandhra district of Maharashtra.

These lynchings even result in the death of the individual. 
As observed in many cases, sometimes the victim is found to be innocent after the mob killed him/her.

2015 Dadri Mob Lynching

(28 September 2015)
This was a case of misunderstanding, which took place to a mob of villagers against an 52 years old muslim person, that he was slaughtering cow. During this lynching 52 years old Mohammad Akhlaq was killed and his 22 years old son Danish was seriously injured. 

It should be stoped.

Mob lynching is a national crime.
(Stop Mob lynching)

Don't let our country become Lynchistan from Hindustan.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


This is the national game of England. In 19th century, Cricket become international game and in 1844 first international cricket match occur between United States and Canada.
Women's Cricket was first reported in Surrey in 1785.

International cricket council is the highest cricket governing body.
This is a bat and ball game. It is played by 11 players per side. The wickets are placed at 22 yards. The pitch is a flat surface 3 metre wide.

Types of Cricket Matches:

  • Firstclass Cricket
  • Limited Overs Cricket
  • Twenty 20
  • One wicket cricket
  • Test cricket

Important participants of match:

  • Umpire(2 + 1) 

  • Batsman(striking + non striking) 
  • Bowler

  • Fielder
  • Captain
  • Wicket keeper

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


 Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behByavior and they are able to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canid species.
Dogs are human's friend since a long period. Now a days dogs are more than a pet but as a family member. Even the society adopt dog for their protection purpose as well as to remove their lonliness. Once a dog get attached to their owner, their true dedication, love and respect remains same upto their death. 

In today's era, dogs are even trained by several dog training experts for various household purposes. Dogs can bring food from market, they can guard the young ones of their owner and much more. 
They vary according to their species. Some of the species are so intelligent that they are assigned with securitive responsibilities. Their ability of smelling is so high that they are used in army as well as defence departments. Their are a lot many cases when dogs were the only source through which criminals were detected. 

In some areas of our country, dogs are even worshiped. Dogs are treated as god and serve them with best facilities they can. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Animals are living organisms made by god. They are much similar to human beings in case of feelings, biological processes, etc. The only one factor which differentiate between humans and animals is that humans can express their issues verbally but animals can't.

Lions, tiger, elephants, giraffe, deer, snakes, birds, aquatic animals, mouse, dog, cat all have feelings.
Wild animals, domestic animals, aquatic animals all exist on earth.
Wild animals live in forests, while domestic animals are kept in home.

Aquatic animals live in water. There are some animals known as amphibians which can live on both land and water.

Work from Home

Working from Home is never been a new idea but it’s getting tremendous attention in the modern era. People want to work and earn but th...